Old Fallings playgroup is a church organisation regulated by Ofsted providing childcare provision to children aged 2-4 during term time only.
We open at 9.15am and finish at 11.30am. Our telephone number is 01902 861961. We charge £5 per session but families may be able to access funding for 2 year olds only through a scheme called Terrific for Twos by contacting Wolverhampton Early Years website.
I (Emma Jeavons) manage the playgroup with a competent group of voluntary nursery nurses who are all qualified to level 3 or above. Everyone on site in playgroup hours has a full DBS disclosure.
We use the EYFS framework to observe and chart the children's development, this is the same curriculum used in nurseries and reception year.
We are registered for 25 children per session but have approx 45 children in our care (due to rotating days).
The playgroup has an 'open door' policy enabling children to have free flow play both indoors and outside. The external area has been renovated and is now fully enclosed with a range of challenging and fun equipment such as the climbing butterfly, balance beams, large slide, sand/water trays, bikes, scooters, balls, hoops etc.
Indoors we have a wide range of play equipment from arty activities such as collage, painting, junk modelling to messy ones like foam play, gloop and flubber! We have musical sessions, large and small construction, soft play,ball pits, home corner, shop and much more.
We open at 9.15am and finish at 11.30am. Our telephone number is 01902 861961. We charge £5 per session but families may be able to access funding for 2 year olds only through a scheme called Terrific for Twos by contacting Wolverhampton Early Years website.
I (Emma Jeavons) manage the playgroup with a competent group of voluntary nursery nurses who are all qualified to level 3 or above. Everyone on site in playgroup hours has a full DBS disclosure.
We use the EYFS framework to observe and chart the children's development, this is the same curriculum used in nurseries and reception year.
We are registered for 25 children per session but have approx 45 children in our care (due to rotating days).
The playgroup has an 'open door' policy enabling children to have free flow play both indoors and outside. The external area has been renovated and is now fully enclosed with a range of challenging and fun equipment such as the climbing butterfly, balance beams, large slide, sand/water trays, bikes, scooters, balls, hoops etc.
Indoors we have a wide range of play equipment from arty activities such as collage, painting, junk modelling to messy ones like foam play, gloop and flubber! We have musical sessions, large and small construction, soft play,ball pits, home corner, shop and much more.